Thursday, October 28, 2010

Final iPad Blog

So thinking about it over the last few days, I would have to say that my overall experience with the iPad was great! While I probably did not use it nearly as much as I could have, using it the last few weeks has been an enjoyable experience.

If anyone hasn't heard, I am going to France next semester to be an au pair. This should be an interesting experience considering I speak zero french. However, the iPad has given me hope! I downloaded a free french tutor a few weeks ago and am officially addicted to it. I practice whenever I can. There are fun vocab games and if I plug in my headphones, it will even pronounce the words for me in that tricky, throaty french accent. The french tutor app has made the iPad my new best friend. And the touch screen aspect of the iPad makes the french tutor app so much more enjoyable - it's so easy to navigate and use the interactive practice games.

Other than my french tutor app, I have mostly used my iPad to watch TV shows and check my email around campus when I am away from a computer. I've also been listening to music on it more lately than I did early on in the semester.

I would have to say that the one thing that still weakens my enamor with the iPad is the lack of a keyboard. I don't particularly like typing emails on the iPad or taking notes/writing papers for class. It is extremely hard to use the touch screen keyboard for long lengths of time. I much prefer the clickety clack of a keyboard when I sit down to answer emails or write a 10 page paper for a class.

Overall though, I have had a lot of fun getting to know my iPad. It's been a great learning experience and while I may not go out and buy an iPad tomorrow, I did put one on my Christmas list! We'll see how that works out.

Thanks so much to SLAC (Olivia and Travis) for this awesome opportunity! It's been very enjoyable. I don't know what I'm going to do next week when I can't practice my french with my trusty iPad. :(

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